Sunday, December 7, 2008


today's the birthday of the great Tom Waits, and also of 2 other people who loom even larger in my brother Bryan and my nephew Bryson. happy birthday, guys!
the visit with my sister Elena (and her husband Michael and their daughter Selena) that i mentioned anicipating last time went well; we all met for coffee, then they continued on their way.
i'd like to take this opportunity to recommend the videos of 2 Youtube participants: Sungha Jung and Lev Yilmaz. Sungha is a 12 year old Korean acoustic guitar VIRTUOSO (no exaggeration)! Lev creates a cartoon series with voice-over narration titled Tales of Mere Existence. autobiographical, and very funny. the content has some of the flavor of what Harvey Pekar writes.
for the past few days i've had this tickly mucus in the throat thing that's making the rounds. it's on its way out but i still cough intermittently, so i'll try to get echinacea tea tomorrow. that, and go to the bank and pay my electricity bill.

good night.

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